Grain Handling
Grain Handling
We work with several key suppliers to provide you with the best products and services to suit your storage and handling needs. We want your bin site to work seamlessly in partnership with your grain handling equipment. We collaborate with you during the entire planning and building process. Your involvement every step of the way means that the end result will be a functional and attractive grain storage and handling site.
We are proud to work with the following suppliers
CAD Drawings and Planning
We design your site using CAD software, allowing you to visualize your project before construction begins. We fine tune the design to your unique requirements to ensure that you are satisfied with the end result.
Superior Mixed Flow Grain Dryer
Superior Mixed-Flow Dryers are changing how people dry grain. They deliver even heating while using half the energy of conventional screen dryers. Larger capacities and longer retention times process grains more evenly and significantly reduce the potential for heat stress cracking, resulting in higher quality grains, higher test weights and higher prices for your grain. Superior Grain Dryers are available in capacities ranging from 1400 bushels to 9510 bushels. Take advantage of dramatic cost savings and superior grain conditioning with Excel.
Grain Moving
Your grain handling system should be simple and long-lasting. We discuss your usage requirements (number of bushels through your system per year) to ensure you are getting the best value per bushel. Your handling system can be enhanced with various products such as:
- Grain legs
- Pneumatic conveying systems/blowers
- Drags
- Double barrels